Financial Help

If you would like to donate now to the Global Campaign, via Lifting The Burden, please follow the link. It will not commit you until you confirm that you wish to do so.

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Most people working for the Campaign or Lifting The Burden give their time free. They do so as part of their academic commitment. They may benefit from association, from collaborative publications and, indirectly but importantly, from the Campaign's achievements towards shared aims that they value.

Lifting The Burden spends very little on paid staff, and has very low administrative costs. Money given to Lifting The Burden therefore goes, almost entirely, to the direct support of Global Campaign activities and not to management costs.

Even so, the activities of the Global Campaign can consume substantial resources. Consequently, Lifting The Burden endeavours to create new income sources.

Individual donations from people who wish the Campaign well, and support its aims, are hugely important. Half of all adults in the world are directly affected by headache, and an estimated one in seven would benefit from health care, which the majority of them do not receive. The possible number of individual donors is very high, and the income from them could help Lifting The Burden achieve every one of the Campaign's objectives – but only if people actually donate.

Additionally, there are two good reasons why the non-pharmaceutical industrial sector may support the Campaign in strategic alliances. The first is that employers bear most of the cost of headache, and would wish to be relieved of this burden falling upon them. The second is their corporate social responsibility, which can be engaged as awareness is raised of the social damage wrought by headache.

Following one of the links below will tell you how. It will not commit you until you confirm that you wish to do so.

If you would like to donate now to Lifting The Burden, please follow this link.

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If you would like to leave a bequest to Lifting The Burden, please follow this link.

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